"DAISY PUMPKIN FACE RING GAME. It also has several patents from 1926 on the box lid. It was manufactured by the Schacht Rubber Manufacturing Company of Huntington, Indiana. The game lid has its title and a brightly colored graphic of a smiling pumpkin face. The same pumpkin serves as the board to the game printed inside on the bottom of the box. There are 3 metal hooks tightly attached with rubber plugs that fit thru the bottom of the box. Also included are 3 hard rubber rings. The printed directions are on the back of the box top. It's very well made."
"The object of the game is to score points by pitching the rings on the hooks on the Pumpkin's face as shown in the photos."
"Size is 9 1/4" H X 7" W."
I have what I think is a reproduction of this game, only mine is orange on the inside, and the rings are chenille. There is no makers mark any where on the box. I found it at a thrift shop for a dollar.